Following a successful period of organic growth for Eintech, creators of the Rogo assessment platform, the company has initiated a strategy to expand its customer support function into a larger strategic account management team.

As the number of Rogo users continues to grow, the company is attracting the attention of a larger, more diverse range of organisations for high stakes delivery.
Eintech appreciate that there are now touchpoints within Rogo community organisations that require a different kind of service depending whether they are a primary user of the platform, or a strategic position within the awarding body, and to progress with growing our customer facing services team we are delighted to welcome Emma Hall as Strategic Account Director.
Emma started her career in education in 2010 before taking on a dedicated role in the assessment sector in 2018 where she has managed and coached high performing teams leading to successfully winning multi-million pound contracts.
Emma has also proven herself as a professional speaker, addressing audiences of 300+ people, including senior leadership and ‘C-Suite’ roles.
Her approach to delivering exceptional service to both awarding bodies and candidates has enabled her to take on several customer-facing roles, providing her with a comprehensive understanding of the broader education and testing landscape.
By welcoming Emma into the Rogo team, the company has invested in the expertise needed to oversee the entire customer journey, starting at first implementation. This is just the first step in a series of investments to ensure Eintech remains at the forefront of service and support for the assessment industry.
Eintech CEO James Carter said:
“This is an exciting new role that will enable us to work closer and offer a more strategic level service to our awarding body clients. As Eintech continues to grow, investment in our client services and operations is key to our own strategy, and Emma was top of my ‘go get’ list for this role. Emma brings a wealth of experience in enterprise account strategy, and we look forward to her leading our client operations growth.”
On her appointment, Emma said:
“I have had the opportunity to connect with several members of the Eintech team through various industry events over the years, and it has been impressive to witness their growth during this time. The prospect of joining a passionate, dynamic team at this stage of their development is truly exciting. I look forward to applying my experience to contribute to their continued success and growth.”